September 15, 2023 in Articles, Success Story

Success Story: Consistent Marketing Leads to Consistent Prospect Flow

client industry: Real estate

With our help, this client was able to create consistency in her marketing for both her own pipeline and that of her team. She’s also been able to duplicate our efforts for her team, creating an attractive support component for team members while helping them to build their own book of business. 

The problem: Our client, a successful real estate team in Texas, was looking for help creating consistency in her marketing. She wanted to build more consistent listing visibility while staying in front of her sphere more regularly for business and referrals. She was struggling to do this on her own, because she was busy working with clients and running her team.

Our solution: We built a regular social media plan for both created content and content requests for the client and her team. By balancing her content with real estate and fun posts, we were able to create m ore mass appeal on her accounts. In addition, we built a regular outreach strategy for open houses, new listings, and team engagement, which created the consistency she was looking for in outreach.

The results: With professional posts regularly posting on her behalf, we’ve been able to create a more consistent flow to her marketing and prospect flow. This has helped her to avoid lulls in her new business traffic while also allowing her to expand the team by three members in a 12 month period – ultimately leading to a stronger and more consistent revenue pipeline for her business!


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