October 15, 2023 in Articles, Digital Marketing, healthtech marketing

The number one tool your B2B marketing strategy is missing

As a business leader, you are likely always looking for innovative ways to improve your B2B marketing strategy. The landscape of digital marketing is ever-changing, and there’s no shortage of buzzwords, trends, and strategies floating around the industry. However, there’s one component of marketing that tends to be missed in B2B marketing – and it’s part of your strategy that creates the real results for your business: marketing and sales integration.

Intentionally leveraging marketing to support the sales process helps you streamline the tactics you choose, create cohesion between marketing and sales, forces you to lean into personalized outputs, and generally creates better results. Let’s chat about what this might look like for your business and how to revolutionize your marketing strategy.

Why marketing and sales need to be interconnected in B2B markets

In business-to-business (B2B) sales, marketing and sales teams must work hand in hand to drive success and growth. Often, sales and marketing are siloed departments depicted to fight like cats and dogs – after all, sales is generally considered revenue, while marketing is considered overhead.

In reality, in B2B spaces, these two departments need to collaborate and lean on each other to create tangible results. Effective marketing can help increase brand recognition, generate new leads, and build customer loyalty. They can create targeted messaging that speaks directly to potential customers by sharing insights and data. And by aligning their goals and strategies, they can work together to meet existing customers’ needs while attracting new ones. Ultimately, when marketing and sales teams collaborate, they can achieve far more than either could on their own.

Create cohesion between marketing and sales

For health tech and healthcare firms, t is crucial to have cohesion between marketing and sales to maximize success. By aligning their efforts, both departments can ensure that their messaging is consistent and they are targeting the same audience. This will lead to stronger customer relationships and, ultimately, greater success for your company.

You organically create this cohesion by making the marketing strategy part of the sales process. Start with your sales team to develop a solid and detailed sales process. This is the roadmap of how you take a prospect from cold to closed. Be sure to assign a general space timeline between each step in the process. Then leverage your marketing team to identify gaps in the process that can be filled with marketing initiatives. From engagement at events to email drip campaigns, your team can be more targeted when working together to deeply target the best customers instead of blanketing an entire segment.

Streamline your marketing systems

By leveraging marketing to supplement your sales process, you immediately increase efficiency and maximize results. The first step to doing this well is mapping out your sales process. When you understand the steps that exist now to take a prospect to client status, you’re better able to understand gaps in your systems that can be filled by marketing. In reverse, this allows you to see how best to engage and interact with your target audiences, which organically creates a better marketing strategy and streamlines the tactics you choose to implement while wasting less of your time and marketing dollars on tactics that are too broad or not aren’t a great fit for your specific target.

Lean into personalized marketing

One of the most effective strategies in health is personalized marketing. This approach involves creating unique experiences for each customer by tailoring the marketing messages and content to their interests and preferences. When your sales team (the people talking to the prospect) and your marketing team (the people creating the messaging) work together, you can create highly personalized campaigns that resonate with customers on a deeper level.

Personalized marketing has proven highly effective in boosting customer engagement and driving conversions. It allows businesses to build strong, long-lasting relationships with their target audience, increasing brand loyalty and driving revenue growth. Being able to personalize your marketing in any B2B space deeply is essential, but for start ups, it’s crucial for shortening the sales cycle while taking some of the heavy lifting off your sales team’s plate.

A sales and marketing integration creates better results

The results can be extraordinary when sales and marketing teams work together towards a common goal. By sharing information and collaborating, they can develop a more well-rounded understanding of their target audience and tailor their messaging to be more impactful. This can lead to higher conversion rates, increased customer loyalty, and improved revenue. Integrating sales and marketing efforts also allows for better tracking of leads and more accurate ROI measurement, which enables teams to make more informed decisions about where to focus their efforts. Overall, the benefits of sales and marketing integration extend beyond just improving numbers – creating a more cohesive and practical approach to engaging with customers and driving business success.


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