May 5, 2020 in Articles, Success Story

Success Story: Millions Of Impressions For PR Campaign

client industry: youth organization

With a goal to build awareness, we run an annual PR campaign for member recruitment that generates millions of impressions and hits conversion goals consistently. 

The problem:

Our client, a youth organization, runs an annual membership drive. To build awareness among Millennial parents, they needed a publicity campaign that grabbed attention in the right way.

Our solution:

We created a combination campaign that leveraged live PR opportunities in the Twin Cities area, plus a grouping of millennial mom social media influencers who we had worked with in the past. We created a concentrated approach that lead to 40 social media posts in a 4-day period, along with 6 live television slots over a 6-day period.

The results:

With over 151,000 impressions on the localized influencer campaign, and millions of total views on the PR campaign, we were able to drive significant numbers within their target demographic in terms of engagement. We met our client’s targeted goals for the two-week campaign in terms of membership conversions, and this has turned into an annual campaign that is essential to their program’s growth.


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