May 29, 2020 in Articles, Success Story

Success Story: One Page Website Creates Conversions For Billboard Campaign

Client Industry: Healthcare

After making a large investment on multiple billboards, our client struggled to convert interested buyers. The goal of this landing page was to build a one-page website that supported lead generation and client conversions.

The problem

Our client, a multi-site Medispa, needed a way to engage with their billboard viewers to start building a relationship with potential clients. They also needed a trackable method to identity prospects, and justify the high spend that went into the billboards.

Our solution

We created a beautiful, yet simple, one-page website that included lead capture opportunities, discounts for visitors, and engaging content that encouraged them to pursue the Medispa’s offerings.

The results

The spa was able to turn the billboard campaign into a significant lead-gen opportunity. They’ve also been able to use the one-page site as a lead generation tool on its own. The content is easy to customize and the site is optimized with highly localized content that is driving new prospective clients right to their door.


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