December 3, 2023 in Articles, Digital Marketing, healthtech marketing, Sales and marketing

5 Tips to Help Health Tech Companies Ask for Referrals from Existing Clients

As a health tech business leader, keeping your customers engaged with your product or service is key to staying ahead in the game. One great way to do this is by getting referrals from existing client ...

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November 23, 2023 in Articles, Digital Marketing, healthtech marketing, Sales and marketing

Why HealthTech Companies Need Ongoing Marketing Training for Their Sales Team

In today’s high-tech world, marketing and sales are intricately linked. HealthTech companies can easily become sidetracked with trying to develop the latest technology solutions without focusing on ho ...

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November 11, 2023 in Articles, financial services marketing, Sales and marketing

Why Financial Services Firms Should Shift Focus From Sales to Value Provision

In the highly competitive world of financial services, firms are often caught up in the rat race of making sales. However, it’s time for a paradigm shift. The focus should move from simply ‘making the ...

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